Wednesday, May 25, 2011

~~ S T R E S S E D ~~

Ugh...My husband just called and asked what I'm doing for the next two days,  I told him, "nothing much, why?"  He's needing to go out of town for work and is wanting to make a work funded vacay out of it.  I'm all for a vacation on his work and it sounds like a lot of fun, but this is the worst time to do it.  I'm just starting my weight loss plan and now this.  I'm not one to turn down a free vacation, so we will be leaving in the morning, but plan on being back Saturday.  I'm putting off my 5K program until Sunday, but I will still be following Weight Watchers while I'm gone.

Now for why I am stressed. I'm getting ready to start Summer school, because I'm needing two classes before starting the RN program in August.  These classes start May 31.  I was hoping to take my State Boards before I had to go back to school, but I still haven't received my ATT letter (Authorization To Test) It's beginning to Piss me off. My other classmates have received their letter, and I'm not understanding why I haven't received mine.  My instructor has sent in all of my paperwork, I had a 4.0 gpa,  I've paid the necessary fees, so where is my letter?  Sorry...I'm venting!  It's just now I'm going to have to wait until my Summer classes are over before I take the boards, because I want to give all of my concentration to this test.  I'm just afraid the longer I wait the harder it will be. 

My girls have been fighting all day, you've got to love Summer.  My oldest has been sick the past two days with a fever, headache and throwing up.  She's finally better as you can see with the comment above about the fighting.  My youngest came home from the sitter and her eye was beet red, there was a little girl at her sitters who had pink eye, so I was praying that wasn't it.  Her eyes are clearing up and they never did get the eye boogers that comes along with pink eye, so I'm thinking it's allergies.  I've just been really stressed the past few days, not to mention I'm PMSing and everyone and everything is rubbing me the wrong way. Being an emotional eater it's been really hard to stay out of the kitchen and eating everything in site. So here I am venting to my blog in order to stay out of the kitchen.  I'm just so frustrated! Okay, I'm done now :)

I do want to say that my thoughts and prayers go out to all of you that have been affected by the tornadoes and floods.  It's really sad and scary to watch the news and see the destruction. Living in Kansas it keeps us more aware and thankful for what we have.  Hugs to all of you!

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