Tuesday, June 7, 2011

PSB/STS Challenge Day 2

Silk - Pure Almond Milk Unsweetened (1 Point), 1 Cup (240 mL) 35131
General Mills - Honey Nut Cheerios, 3/4 cup 1102222
Yoplait - Yogurt - Light Fat Free - Banana Cream Pie, 1 container 1102006

Lean Pockets Pretzel Bread Sandwich - Roasted Turkey With Bacon & Cheese, 1 piece 28035914
Lay's - Baked Potato Chips - Sour Cream & Onion, 1 package 1402442
Mt Dew - Diet Mt. Dew - 20 oz Bottle, 8 Oz 0000

Healthy Choice - Chicken Parmigiana Breaded Chicken W/Marinara Sauce, Pasta, Broccoli, and Apple Crisp, 1 dinner 350491016
Sara Lee - 45 Calories & Delightful Wheat Bread, 2 slices 901915
Kraft - Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, 1 Tbsp (15mL) 40240

Ghirardelli Chocolate - Dark Chocolate Squares 60% Cacao, 1 square 53640


Your Daily Goal1,4301974854
Remaining222 19 11 8

Today was a busy day.  I woke up, ate breakfast, took the girls to VBS and then headed to class.  When I got home hubby wanted to run to town, and then bug had a ballgame. We just now got home and I wasn't able to work out today.  It was my day off from 5k in 100 days, but I like to do some type of exercise on my day off. I was able to drink 80 ounces of water.  Since I was running all day you can tell there was a lot of frozen meals, but it got me by and I stayed within my calorie limits.

I do have a confession to make.  The scale this morning was sitting on the floor and I was getting ready to step into the shower and missed and stepped on the scale instead **wink wink**  I know...I should only weigh myself once a week, but I just wanted to know if the scale would show how well I did yesterday.  As I stepped on the scale I saw 268!  That's 3 pounds in one day.  I promise I'll try not to do that again.

Well, I should probably go to bed.  Have a wonderful evening and many happy losses.


  1. Congratulations on your accidental, tripping, just-couldnt-help-but-fall-into-a-standing-position weight! :)

    Sarah @ Thinfluenced

  2. Isn't it nice to eat chips and chocolate and lose weight? Keep that calorie count there and you'll continue to lose!

  3. I have a problem avoiding my scale too and it's beside my toilet hmmmmm ;o)

  4. @sarah I'm like a cat...I always land on my feet. hehehe

    @Debbi I'm thinking I might need to omit the chips, they were taunting me all day. I just can't give up my dark chocolate. That is my heaven. Yum.

    @Natasha It was so hard not to step on it this morning. I put it under the sink so I wouldn't be tempted.

  5. LOL @ missed and stepped on the scale, sneaky sneaky! I admit I have been curious but have restrained so far. Good job on coming within your calorie limit, keep up the great work!

  6. Hi Kristy. First, thank you for stopping by. So you think you'll see nice abs in August...I could only hope and pray it happens. Well really I can work my hardest and see what happens.
    I love your goals and your sucess so far, yes it's early but a good start to get your motivated.
    Keep up the great work and sometimes stepping on that scale midweek isn't a bad thing.
    Take care and good luck. I will be checking in on your to see how you're doing.
    God Bless!!

  7. @Mercy You are a lot stronger than I. That scale is taunting me every morning.

    @Julie I'm expecting to see a six pack come August ;) (that's referring to abs and not beverages) Thanks for stopping by!


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